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What you need to know about technical assessments and NYC Local Law 144

New York City Local Law 144 is ushering in new regulatory guidelines around the use of “automated employment decision tools” (AEDT) when making employment decisions for NYC-based employers and employees.

But, what exactly qualifies as an AEDT, and what should your organization be doing to prepare? Learn from Assessment Research Consultant and Skills Evaluation Lab Member, Hayley Walton, MA, in this webinar that covers:

  • What NYC Local Law 144 requires of employers
  • How automated employment decision tools (AEDT) are defined
  • The responsibilities of employers and vendors, such as CodeSignal, in promoting compliance
  • Additional ways CodeSignal can support legal defensibility and fairness

Please note that this webinar is intended to provide general information, not replace legal advice.

Thank you! Access the webinar here: